How to Compete and Win FinTalent Competition?

How to participate?

1. Download the SmartUp app: App Store / Google Play Store
You may also access via the web here.
2. Start the app > click Join my community > type fintalent2018
3. Login with any of your social logins.
Please note to use the same social login whether you are accessing via the mobile or web as we will not be reconciling points.

Please read our Terms and Conditions before applying.
How do I win?
Read the content in the SmartUp app’s FinTalent community across all the chanels, and answer quiz and poll questions about it. You can read this light engaging content while waiting for the MRT or whenever you have a few extra minutes in your day.
You’ll receive these points on the leaderboard:
Read a tile: 5 points
Answer a poll question: 10 points
Answer a quiz question correctly: 50 points
As you go through each card, you are earning points so congratulations! You’ve just racked up more points for reading the directions!
The more points, the more likely you are to win!
What do I need to do and when?
The competition begins on October 9th. Bonus content will be realeased:
  • October 16th
  • October 23rd
  • October 30th
The competition closes on November 9th, when we’ll freeze the leaderboard standings.
What can I win?
  • $500 SGD Cash
  • Crytocurrency hardware wallet
  • VIP Access to FinTech Research Database, “Go Medici”
  • FinTech ProDegree Course
  • RegTech course
  • Various gadgets and goodies!
The grand prize winner will receive $500, and gift hamper with their selection from the above. There will be at least 20 runner up winners getting various hampers of these prizes.
Who is eligible to win?
Anyone (yes, even your kids and your auntie) are welcome to join the community and play along. However, to win a prize you must:
  1. Work in Singapore, or
  2. Study in Singapore
Attend the awards ceremony at the FinTech festival to collect your prize. If you’re unable you can pre arrange to send a representative. It is free to visit the Trade Area of the FinTech Festival where we will hold the awards, so you don’t need to purchase a conference registration — Bring your colleagues!